Salomae and I have recently started attending a weekly open mic poetry night at the Bookworm, sponsored by the Subterranean Poets. As we have contributed works to the effort, I suppose that makes us de facto subterranean poets, whatever that might be.

Here is a poem I wrote for the theme, “nations & nationalism.”


Wave your torch
Convictions unfurl
As you raise your pride
Proud emblemAll must see
For all agree
Save those who don’t
Those who won’t

Broadcast your message
The masses cheer
Brandish the fear
Righteous wrath for those who oppose

Poke through the ashes
From whence your ideals rose
The glow of the embers
Mostly unseen
Tomes of the wise ones
Now fuel for the rods that brand those who question

How hollow your lines
Beside the words you spurned
The words you burned

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