Happy Groundhog's Day!!
I’m not sure how many groundhogs there are in the Chinese capital, but they surely would have seen their shadow today and jumped back into their hole, and according to farmers in the US at least, that is a sign that we’re in for six more weeks of winter. Of course, the weather this year has been so mild, I’m still waiting for winter to arrive. It’s only really snowed once this year.Compounding this is the fact that “Spring Festival” is coming up in a few weeks, a surefire indicator that we are in for at least one more huge storm before things really start to warm up. The irony that “Spring Festival” seems to take place in the middle of winter seems lost on most people I talk to about it. I suppose it is indeed a lot like Groundhog’s Day. Both Spring Festival and Groundhog’s Day mark the point where things should start to warm up, rather than the point of crocuses springing forth and blossoms bursting out.So, even if we have to wait for six more weeks, at least the end of the winter is in sight!

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